Remote Sensing - Lab 7: Photogrammetry
Goal and Background The goal of this lab exercise is to become familiar with performing key photogrammetric tasks on aerial photographs and satellite images. Tasks include performing Stereoscopy and performing Orthorectification on satellite images. Completing this lab exercise will help to gain an understanding of the mathematics behind the calculation of photographic scales, measurement of areas and perimeters, and calculating relief displacement. Lab 7 is split into three parts; (1) Scales, Measurements and Relief Displacements, (2) Stereoscopy, and (3) Orthorectification. Each of these parts are outlined in the Methods and Results sections of this blog post. Methods The methods used to obtain the results for each of the three parts of this lab exercise are outlined below. The data sources used for each part are listed in the Sources section of this blog post. Scales, Measurements and Relief Displacements Calculating Scale: If the actual distance between tw...